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We are Familia FIG. We are a bi- lingual, blended family. Belalu was diagnosed at 9 months with hypochondroplasia.

Monday, May 12, 2008

You've got to be kidding me

So, yesterday I was finally doing the hand-washables that had been slowly stacking up on our spare bed, because it was finally sunny out and I could put them on the porch to dry. I was walking down the stairs with a laundry basket of heavy, wet sweaters and so I couldn't see where I was going. I thought I had reached the bottom, when in reality I had a step or two to go. Down I go, basket and all, twisting my foot in a very unnatural way. Juan was in the living room and got to witness the whole thing. As I was writhing around the floor howling in pain, all he kept saying was "Vanessa!! Ohmigod!! Two Days!!!"

That's because I'm scheduled to head up to the Cities on Wednesday for the big adventure trip. You know, the one where we do all kinds of extreme sports and 3-5 day hiking expeditions. At the moment I can't even walk.

Granted, I surely aggravated it (a bit) yesterday. After a couple of minutes of intense pain that was mostly mental panic as I contemplated the possibilities of what this ridiculous situation could mean, after icing and elevating and calming down, it felt almost fine. There was no swelling, bruising, or bones sticking out at weird angles. So I put on supportive hiking boots, went to Target to get the rest of my trip supplies, came home and spent an hour making dinner, and then felt so great I decided to take Mobi for a walk. You see, I was determined to ignore the whole thing and go on with my life as usual. Bad idea. 40 minutes walking and a hot bath later, I was in major pain. Meridith asked me if I was trying to cripple myself for life. Juan was convinced that I was trying to sabotage my trip. Nope, unfortunately I'm just stupid. I have never in my life broken, sprained, or twisted anything.

So, after wrapping the foot/ankle area and icing it again; after a fitful, painful night of sleep; today I am staying off it completely. I learned my lesson, I swear. Of course, I have a hundred things I need to get done, all of which involve my being mobile and upright, but I going to have faith that tomorrow it'll be all good and I can do it all then. The hopeful bit is that as long as I can walk unassisted and pain-free, I'll have a couple of weeks before the major excursions start to keep healing.

So, please, send healing vibes of radiance my way- and focus them on my right foot.


Mariss said...

I hope it gets better very soon. Can you go to the doctor to make sure you didn't tear or sprain anything? Sending lots of healing vibes from Philly!

Elizabeth Olate said...

Oh no! I hope everything is ok! Not to worry - sending plenty of good energy straight to the right foot ;)

Gaby said...

Ay Vanessa! Espero que te sientas mejor! Se te hinch� el pie? Ponete hielo, que te calma el dolor.
Te mando mi mejor energ�a desde Buenos Aires :)