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We are Familia FIG. We are a bi- lingual, blended family. Belalu was diagnosed at 9 months with hypochondroplasia.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Película of the Week: Balseros

The Spanish and Latin American Film Series is back! Every Wednesday night we play a movie for the students that is either from Spain or Latin America. They voluntarily attend- we usually get an average of about a dozen at our showings.

We started the semester with a documentary. The title, Balseros, refers to the Cuban rafters that put their lives on the line to have the opportunity to start a new life in America. The movie follows seven people on their journey to and through America over the course of seven years. What I like about the movie is that it doesn't sugarcoat the stories- these are people and they are not always virtuous nor good, and the directors do not try to convince you otherwise. It was also interesting to see that the systems in place to help immigrants transition into society were maintained by church charities NOT with government organizations.

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