I should have made this post a week ago, but a this rate I'm just happy to get anything out within the correct month. Elías turned 4 months old on the 4th of October and at his check up the next day he weighed 18 lbs 2oz, putting him in the 97th percentile. His height was 28", which wasn't even on the chart, and his head has grown into the 75th percentile- but I can't remember that one, maybe 17"?
The same weekend he completed four months, we spent a night in the cities, where he had his first pub experience.

We got to visit with his new friend Indira, who is only a couple weeks older than he. They were very excited to meet each other.

I think these photos may turn out to be indicative of their relationship when they're about 15 or so.

Hey, Indira, how's it going? Wanna hang out?

Will someone please get this annoying creature out of my face?
(And I thought Elías had kissable cheeks:)

It was so fun to see everyone. We look forward to doing it again soon, either back in the cities or in Winona.
Here is Elías modeling his hand knit stroller outfit

So, the latest developmental advances involve sitting for longer periods before leaning too much to one side, grabbing everything and anything in sight and within reach and going right to the mouth, rolling from back to front and front to back, and emitting a high-pitch screech whenever we want to be picked up. Mommy's not so thrilled with the last one, but who can resist the little arms held out that accompany it?
I've leave you with a sweet stroller photo.