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We are Familia FIG. We are a bi- lingual, blended family. Belalu was diagnosed at 9 months with hypochondroplasia.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Before I tell you about my New Year's Eve, let me preface by saying that in the past few years, (actually, almost all of my twenties so far) I have been in some fairly "exotic" local for this special night, such as Venice, Buenos Aires (twice), and various places in Spain. Last night, however, I went a very different route for celebrating the start of 2006. I was actually in bed, reading, when the clock struck midnight. I didn't even know that it was 2006 until I shut my book to sleep at 12:30. While I know this doesn't exactly make for an exiting blog read, I have to say I was very happy to be at home snug in bed. This partly has to do with the fact that my vacation has been pretty busy between trying to see everyone and getting as much wedding planning in as possible in the few weeks I'm here. The other factor, I think, is that there tends to be a lot of hype around starting a new year- new starts, new resolutions, exciting changes... and since my birthday is so close to the new year, it also tends to have a lot of significance for me. But this year, I am very happy with where I'm at and how things are going, so I guess I don't really need that feeling of drama a new year usually carries with it.

I hope you all, however, had a fabulous New Year and that 2006 is going to be great for you!

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