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We are Familia FIG. We are a bi- lingual, blended family. Belalu was diagnosed at 9 months with hypochondroplasia.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Well Hello There!

I apologize for keeping you waiting. I hope that you have not forgotten all about me. You see, I've had a very busy semester, and you know that's true when I can't find time to blog. Or read anyone else's blog, either. It's bad. Real bad. But, I'm back and looking at only three more weeks in the semester, including finals. The light at the end of the tunnel has appeared and is growing day by day. So, let's get started, shall we, and play a little catch up.

The Knit Wits, one of the knitting groups I belong to here in Winona, had a little field trip a couple of weeks ago to Carothers Country Farm Those are not horses you see grazing here. They're llamas. The farm processes wool and also raises and sells Argentine llamas.Being curious animals, they all came running down the hill to check us out, then promptly stood off in a group just looking lovely and waiting for the piropos to come flooding in.This little one didn't want to give me the time of day, just totally ignoring my attempts to get a good photo.Until I remembered that these are Argentine llamas. So I coaxed him over in my best porteño accent, "Che, vení, quiero sacar una foto de vos". And that worked for a second.
I forgot to get a shot of the studs in the other pen. Males and females have to be separated due to the whole induced-ovulator aspect (remember, we talked about this after my visit to Margaret's farm last spring).
How rude, we came right at dinner time.


Lisa said...

Glad to have you back blogging! Beautiful animals. I adore llamas and alpacas. I wanted to get a pet alpaca once. They are very sweet and almost feline in temperment.

Love the shot with the llama looking right at you. What a look!

Gaby said...

que bueno leerte otra vez; espero la hayas pasado bien con las compatriotas ;)
En esa granja venden lana? O solo crian las llamas?

te mando un beso

lomester said...

of course! all you need to do is appeal to their argentinianess... works for all of us.

Mariss said...

How cute! I just went to an alpaca farm with my knitting friends, but no llama farms yet. I love that the baby understood Spanish ;)